Posted: June 26, 2012
I often get the qustion. "Do I need a lawyer for my personal injury insurance settlement." My response is, "Do you want to maximize the settlement value that you receive. Do you want to net as much money in your pocket as possible. Would you operate on yourself if you had a broken arm." The answers to these questions are always the same.
But not every personal injury settlement calls for a lawyer to maximize value. In small cases a lawyer would have a difficult time adding value to your case. They are not a threat if you only went to the doctor once or twice and have no long term problem. Why. Because no serious personal injury lawyer would file suit on such a small case. My opinion is that you can get maximum money by yourself and I'm happy to tell you how to go about it.
But in serious injuries where the compensation you deserve justifies the power and ability of a personal injury attorney, consider hiring an injury attorney to help maximize the money compensation you receive. The insurance company knows that if you have hired an experienced personal injury attorney you can force their hand by filing suit if necessary and proceeding to the Courthouse.
Have you ever felt like you were powerless against an insurance company. Insurance companies are in every aspect of our lives. What are you going to do? That's why I co-authored the best selling book in the Amazon insurance category with 14 other lawyers:
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - before you make a fatal mistake that could ruin you injury claim, please watch this short one minute video that talks about the book and click on the embedded link that will take you to the page where you can download the book for free. Please read
Ch 7 - Why Not Negotiate with a Wolf,
Ch 2 The insurance company offered me money but I don't know what my case is worth and
Ch 13 When your friend becomes Your enemy.
Then Call for my legal help 513-621-2345 a no cost no obligation claim evaluation
Cincinnati personal Injury and Accident Attorney Blog