Posted: September 30, 2011
As a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer I really enjoy my presence on facebook. If you have seen any of my posts or pages I hope in some way they have either educated you , informed you or at least made you smile.
My first experience was with my personal page for Tony Castelli A lot of that page is anything that happens to interest me . You will also see a lot of youtube videos. There are some really quirky ones like James Brown duet with Pavorati.
Then I created a business page or what used to be called a fan page. This focuses on the fact that I am a Cincinnati personal injury accident lawyer
The actual url for that page is On that page I focus more on legal issues that face car accident and other personal injury victims. I try to give some educational information as well as provide some limited information about myself. I try not to beat people over the head with I'm a lawyer and you should hire me. I try to educate and inform . But I surely want you to know that I'm happy to answer any questions in my area of personal injury law. And if it's not my area I'm glad to point you in the right direction.
The Ohio Motorcycle safety awarenesss and injury help of Ohio group is a page I really enjoy. I focus on motorcycle safety tips. With so many resources on the internet, especially you tube, it's not that hard to provide some content that directly relates to motorcycle safety. Plus I can keep in touch with the motorcycle community where I have made so many friends from Jimmy Kay to the Chrome Divas and everyone in between . I only wish I had more time to spend creating content.
My latest venture is a facebook page for my radio show Cincinnati Biker Life. It was a lot of fun to create a welcome page for Cincinnati Biker Life where you can actually go and internet stream Cincinnati Biker Life live The actual url for Cincinnati Biker Life is
All my listeners are welcome to come and post about their events, rides , experience, questions , requests. In fact it's not limited to listeners. Anyone with something connected to the Greater Cincinnati motorcycle community is welcome to post . This radio show has been so enjoyable because of the many guests I have met since starting the show . Everyone has been an absolute joy to know and interview on Cincinnati Biker Life Radio.
So yes I'm a bit of a facebook junkie. And certainly an internet junkie. There is just so much information to exchange. I've met so may unique people. Sometimes the internet can be a bit removed from the real person But with acquaintances coming on Cincinnati biker life, with a handshake or a hug they soon are counted by me as a friend. I hope they see me the same way.
Thank you to everyone one of my facebook friends and the many folks that have joined my group or liked one of my facebook pages. I wish I could get to know each of you a little better. I invite you to comment or suggest how I can make the experience better for you.