Posted: September 6, 2015
For Immediate Release Ohio Personal Injury Blog Has Been Nominated for The Expert Institute's Best Legal Blog Contest.
Cincinnati, Ohio Sept 7, 2015
Our readers have spoken - The Ohio Personal injury Blog has been selected to compete in The Expert Institute’s Best Legal Blog Competition.
From a field of more than 2,000 potential nominees, The Ohio Personal Injury Blog of the Law Office of Anthony D. Castelli has received enough nominations to join the 250 legal blogs participating in one of the largest competitions for legal blog writing online today.
Now that the blogs have been nominated and placed into their respective categories, it is up to their readers to select the very best. With an open voting format that allows participants one vote per blog, the competition will be a true test of the dedication of each blog’s existing readers, while also giving up-and-coming players in the legal blogging space exposure to a wider audience.
Each blog will compete for rank within its category, while the three blogs that receive the most votes in any category will be crowned overall winners.
The competition will run from August 27th until the close of voting at 12:00 AM on October 9th, at which point the votes will be tallied and the winners announced.
The competition can be found at
Anthony Castelli stated "I am honored to have my blog honored by the Expert Institute. It is great to have this recognition and even better to give the injury victims solid legal information." You can go here to vote for the Ohio Injury Law Blog published by the Law Office of Anthony D. Castelli
About The Expert Institute:
Founded in 2011, The Expert Institute is a technology-driven platform for connecting qualified experts in every field with lawyers, investment firms, and journalists looking for technical expertise and guidance. The Expert Institute combines a vast database of pre-screened experts with a talented case management team capable of custom recruiting experts to fit the specific needs of our clients. The Expert Institute also maintains one of the internet’s most visited blogs on expert witnesses, in addition to an extensive case study archive and expert witness resource center.
Anthony Castellli has over 30 years experience practicing Ohio accident and inury law helping those harmed by the negligence of others get full and just compensation for their injuires.