Posted: October 16, 2012
As a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer reviewing meningitis outbreak cases for legal redress there are certain questions I have for people that have received the tainted drug. There are also questions I have for the medical community. And then there are critical things to know about this outbreak.
5 Critical Facts About Fungal Meningitis
1. This disease can cause stroke and death.
2. The quicker it is diagnosed and treated the better your chances of recovery.
3. The Cincinnati Pain Management Center has been identified as 1 of four facilities in Ohio having received the tainted drug from NECC.
4.The Cincinnati Pain Management Center has injected over 200 patients with the drug.
5. You should get to a doctor for evaluation if you have been told you received a tainted dose or if you think you got a tainted dose.
Who is the Best Facility to Treat Meningitis
I called the Hamilton County Health Department and asked Dr Camille Jones who is the best facility in this area to treat meningitis. She would not refer me to anyone specific other than to say an infectious disease doctor.
In my research I noted the the University Hospital has an infectious disease center. I called the Center and asked to speak to Dr. Pampush Kaul director of the infectious disease center to see if she could shed some light on what someone should do that has been diagnosed with infectious fungal meningitis or has been given a shot containing the tainted steroid from the NECC. Hopefully she will return my call.
If you have been infected or given the shot I know this must be terrifying. And that you are probably looking for the best medical help possible. The CDC guidance is somewhat general. You would think in affected areas they would have some coordination of where you would go and who you would see medically that can help you and also help add to the fund of knowledge that just does not seem to be out there.
Anthony Castelli Attorney in Cincinnati is reviewing is reviewing cases for damage claims and lawsuit of fungal meningitis victims. At present his criteria is:
Steroid shot on or after May 21, 2012 through October 5th, 2012 from a named purchaser of the tainted steroid.
The individual was told by a government agency or medical personal that gave them the shot that they received a tainted dose.
You can call Anthony Castelli at 513-621-2345 or 1-800-447-6549 for a free case consultation.
Resource: CDC patient guidance