How Much Is My Ohio Personal Injury Settlement Worth 2023

Attorney Serving Cincinnati, Mason, Hamilton & Nearby Areas in Ohio

As a Cincinnati Ohio personal injury lawyer I have to calculate a fair value for the harm caused to my clients almost daily. In order to do that I need to know that law on damages. I also must walk in my client's shoes. Even though the law on damages is the same, the many factors that go into the mix of a particular case is different.

Back Injury


You might find it unusual but the best lawyers start preparing a case by looking at the jury instructions. What will the judge tell the jury about the law on damages? In fact, what are the damages that you can claim in Ohio.

Once you know the damages revoverable, you can work backwards to see where those damages come in naturally.You also must determine where they need to be buttressed by good solid medical opinion. There may be many other  experts such as economists, vocational specialists, psychologists, physical therapists, lay medical experts that need to write opinion letters and be ready to testify. It's stong preparation that lets an insurance company know that you are ready to stand tall with your head held high and request with a firm lip what you deserve.  

"Walk softly and carry a big stick you shall go far" as Teddy Roosevelt said. 

Painstaking preparation is the key. Settlement is the hope for most everyclient. But you better be ready to file suit and go to trial if necessary. That's the stick a real personal injury lawyer has.

Watch this video to learn the difference between how I treat you, the injury victim, and how some other lawyers treat people. It's my honor to represent you. How a jury would determine what your damages are worth is critical information. Or at least what the judge may tell them they are required to consider if there is proof. This is the road mapto success.  In a small case you may convey those yourself. In fact I limit my practice to serious injuries. Those where I believe I can make a difference by hopefully putting more money in your pocket than you could do by yourself.

Download Free Accident injury Settlement Calculator

Download the Personal Injury Settlement Calculator  

As a neck injury accident attorney in Cincinnati I have developed this neck injury compensation calculator that is helpful for all types of Ohio personal injury claims. 

So please remember that this is just the start. Knowing what damages are recoverable does not mean that you know how much is fair . Nor does it mean that the insurance company is going to help you take food out of their mouths even though  someone took food out of your mouth by carelessly changing you life. .Maybe forever. So you deserve a fair shake . You deserve to be made whole. You deserve to recover physically as well as financially.  

Anthony Castelli Attorney Accident and Injury Law has 30 years experience. Call for his legal help. 513-621-2345

Further Article on Ohio Injury Settlement Calulation  

Updated 3/4/2023