Ohio Personal Injury Blog by Cincinnati Accident Attorney Anthony Castelli

Attorney Serving Cincinnati, Mason, Hamilton & Nearby Areas in Ohio

January 15, 2012
Recently a Cincinnati bus accident in the Walnut hills was reported by the local news services. They reported an SUV crashed into a bus at an Read More
January 12, 2012
As a Cincinnati injury lawyer I find it sad that more has not been done to prevent the use of cellphones by car drivers. Recently the Federal Read More
January 10, 2012
  Press Release : Cincinnati Ohio Cincinnati personal injury lawyer Anthony Castelli was recently accredited by the Cincinnati Better Business Bureau Read More
January 3, 2012
As a personal injury lawyer and as a father its so sad to read about the death of teens in car wrecks.  It happened again in Clermont County Ohio. Read More
January 3, 2012
As Cincinnati personal injury lawyer I like to help inform the public on timely personal injury issues.  You may be interested in a webinar I'm Read More
January 2, 2012
As a personal injury lawyer I have represented burn injury victims. The last burn case I had there was an issue of whether there was an adequate Read More
December 31, 2011
I fell in a Cincinnati Walmart or Krogers store can I win my personal injury is a question I hear as a personal injury lawyer. The answer to the Read More
December 26, 2011
I have a personal injury claim or have been in a car accident and would like to know , What do personal injury lawyers Do. As a  personal injury Read More
December 23, 2011
Do I need a Cincinnati personal injury lawyer was a question a lady asked me today. She had been in a car accident. She had not called the police . Read More
December 18, 2011
As a Cincinnati peronal injury lawyer I often work on car accident injury settlements. This involves listening to the client to learn the effects the Read More
