Posted: January 3, 2012
As Cincinnati personal injury lawyer I like to help inform the public on timely personal injury issues. You may be interested in a webinar I'm planning for Tuesday evening 8 pm starting January 9, 2012. The title is Critical Facts About Your Ohio Personal Injury case. You should be seeing press releases on the subject shortly. The plan is to record this on blog talk radio . Or at least record one live show for repeating. Also go to webinar is under consideration as another potential platform. However the go to webinar platform under consideration will only allow 100 listeners at a time. There are a few other personal injury attorneys that are using this idea. It seems to have caught on in several states and I am hopeful Ohio will be one of them. The webinar will focus on Ohio personal injury law. If there is a topic you have an interest in please contact me at 621-2345. Eventbrite is being used to get word of the seminar to the general public. You can follow this link to learn more about this webinar put on by Cincinnati personal injury lawyer Anthony Castelli Attorney Although car accident injuries will be a common issue there will be discussions on premises liability, child injury law, construction injuries what is a wrongful death lawyer and many other timely subjects. Find me on google maps Anthony Castelli personal injury attorney