Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney Injury Settlement

Attorney Serving Cincinnati, Mason, Hamilton & Nearby Areas in Ohio

 Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney tells How He Determines what your injury case is worth  If you have suffered a personal injury the whole goal of a car accident attorney is to get you money compensation to make up for the harm caused by your injury.  Many cases are settled out of Court. Some cases get filed into Court and get settled and some cases actually go to a jury trial. So its important to know what your case is worth in your area since the most important thing in determining the value is what is a jury in your area likely would place on your injury. If the insurance company comes close to that amount your case should settle.  The best any accident  attorney can do is come up with a range. Many things are factored into this. First and foremost is the injury clearly the legal fault of another. If it is you go to the next step and detemine what is the injury and is it clear that the defendant's fault/negligence was the cause of the injury. Sometimes the injuries are disputed. So the case is going to be worth more if there is a clear injury rather than one that is unclear. One thing that factors into the equation is how much damage was there to one or both of the cars involved.  Even though it is possible to sustain a significant injury with minimal car damage it is not easy to win the jury or the insurance company heart in that case. Then of course what was the injury. Did you require back surgery? Do you have permanent limitations. How much are the economic losses. How much are and will be your medical bills. How have you life activities been changes. From this information an experienced car accident injury attoreny can give you a fair approximation of what your case is worth. One more very important thing. Do you have an attorney representing you that is an experienced accident  attorney that has gone to many trials in the past. There is an insurance company study that shows you are likely to end up more than if you were represented by an accident injury attorney than if you are not. by Cincinnati car accident injury attorney Anthony Castelli. Don't be a victim twice. Call Tony today to get the help you need. For a free consult call 1-800-447-6549
